Sunday, September 30, 2012

Joya de Nicaragua Antano Consul at less than $4.90 per stick!

Hi everyone. We've got yet another transcript for a great review. This one comes from Nada from Smoking Cigar Girl. Out of the many reviews out there, hers are among the best. These are concise, explain things clearly, and goes right to the point (no useless rambling). She is reviewing the
Joya de Nicaragua Antano Consul cigar this time:

Do remember we offer discount prices on all our products, and right now you can get these for less than $4.90 per stick!  Click here to buy some now.

Hi, I’m Nada with Smoking Cigar Girl, and today I will be reviewing the Joya de Nicaragua Antano Consul cigar.  It’s a Consul size, 4.5 by 52. The wrapper has some veins. There’s also a color variation on the wrapper, mostly medium-brown, but there’s also black as well.

The wrapper scent is very “earthy”. A little bit of nuts, and the pre-light draw has “nutty notes” and also a little bit of liquorish flavors. 

The initial few puffs have a lot of spice in the flavor. There’s also quite a bit of strength on the initial puffs on this cigar. It’s definitely a full strength cigar.
I’ll be back in a few minutes to discuss the first third of this cigar. 

About done with the first third of this cigar, and the first half inch was a powerhouse both in flavor and in strength. The flavor was like an explosion of spice in your mouth. Just feel overwhelmed by all the spicy flavors, and it’s good, it’s on a good way.

After the first half inch the flavor recedes back to a very smooth, leathery flavor, and there’s a little bit of spice on the finish but hardly enough that you notice after the first half inch.
The draw has been pretty good, and the burn is mostly even. 

I’m about done with the second third of this cigar and the flavor upfront of the second third continues to mostly smooth. It’s gone from primarily leather to a lot of nutty notes with some leather and earthy tones in the background. On the finish the flavor is very intensely spicy, but it’s a flavor-full kind of spicy, like a very strong pepper, like a jalapeno, not just a very strong spice.
The burn continues to be mostly even. 

I’m about to finish smoking this Joya de Nicaragua Antano Consul.  The flavors in the final third continue to be very smooth upfront. There’s almost a hint of sweetness, but it’s predominantly earthy flavors. The spice on the finish is very light now, as opposed to the very intense spices on the second third of the cigar. 

The cigar is definitely a full strength cigar, so if you’re not used to smoking full strength cigars or if you’ve never smoked this cigar before I would definitely recommend waiting until after a full meal to smoke it. 

With all the spicy flavors it would go really well with smooth or sweet drink, so a glass of port, very smooth cognac, or even a creamy sweet porter would go very well with this smoke. 

This is actually one of my favorite cigars, I’ve been smoking it for about three years now, and it’s one of my two good smokes when I want something with very full flavor or full strength. This is a cigar I pick up. It’s also one of the cigars that’s good in any sizes you can find it in. 

I hope you get to enjoy this cigar soon.

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